Has busyness taken over your life?
Busyness is the thief of this generation. Take time this Lenten season to sit at the Savior's feet. Jesus said to choose what is better. That better is Jesus.

"One of the blessings of pastoring Prestonwood is helping channel our God-given talent so that Christ-followers can be encouraged wherever they live. This thought-provoking guide, written by my friend Erin Olson, will inspire, challenge, strengthen and lead you to encounter Jesus in a dynamic way. I encourage you to experience the risen Savior at a more intimate level this year!" – Jack Graham, Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church
"Erin's intimate time with the Lord is revealed in the pages of this devotional. Over the course of these forty-six days our desire to "sit at His feet" grew and our desire to share what we learned increased as well. This devotional is a must read for all Christians." – Dave and Vicky Valle, Founders, Esperanza International (www.esperanza.org)
"Erin's intimate time with the Lord is revealed in the pages of this devotional. Over the course of these forty-six days our desire to "sit at His feet" grew and our desire to share what we learned increased as well. This devotional is a must read for all Christians." – Dave and Vicky Valle, Founders, Esperanza International (www.esperanza.org)
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